IoT Security Foundation Conference 2017


The 3rd Annual IoT Security Foundation (IoTSF) Conference takes place on Tuesday 5th December at the stunning IET Savoy Place, London. A founding value of IoTSF is “security first”. This speaks to the fact that good security has to be considered from the beginning of the lifecycle and, along with our third value “resilience”, maintained throughout. Much of the work carried out by IoTSF to date has deliberately prioritised the vendor side of the equation for the simple reason that if security capabilities are not provided from the start, fit-for-purpose security is challenged.

Yet, what about the user side of the equation? Does the IoT market understand the implication of insecurity to their business? Do purchasers know what good security looks like or how to ask for it? Are there good examples of how security should be done? This is the next phase of our work – taking security expertise into the application domain.

The 2017 IoTSF annual conference will bring vendors and users together with security experts, researchers and key stakeholders to discuss security “in the round”. Attendees will learn how companies are providing security capabilities and how users are implementing them. This will be framed by a bigger picture view of the contemporary issues and take a look into the future with a view from the research agenda. The Conference also features a drinks reception for additional networking.