A renewable energy future? Challenges and opportunitie

A growing range of renewable energy solutions have the potential to supply up to one third of the world's energy needs by 2050, but only if the development of new technology is backed at a governmental and public level.

This was one of the core messages of the 27th T B Macaulay Lecture, given by Karen de Segundo, Chief Executive Officer of Shell Renewables in Aberdeen on the 10th of October 2003. In her speech, entitled " A renewable energy future? Challenges and opportunities", Ms de Segundo told an audience drawn from the scientific, business and public sector that global energy needs will double, or even triple, by 2050, creating a huge requirement for growth in energy provision. The theme of the speech was how renewable energy will fit into the overall energy market, both globally and in the UK. Ms de Segundo discussed the current activities and scope of the Shell Renewables solar and wind businesses around the world. She also outlined key issues to overcome if renewable energies are to play a major part in the UK energy mix. Ms de Segundo suggested that setting a firm target for the use of renewables by 2020 would reinforce the UK Government's commitment to support increased use of renewables. She stressed the importance of a stable regulatory framework, without which, the capital needed for renewables construction projects will not be raised. An urgent and immediate extension of the targets would provide some long-term security for investors in renewables projects. Enquiries: Shell International Media Relations +44 (0) 20 7934 3505 Note: The Macaulay Institute was founded in April 1987. The Institute is a multidisciplinary-based organisation which undertakes research into land use. Macaulay Institute