Autodesk unveils first simulation software to provide real time feedback
Design software giant Autodesk has announced the availability of Autodesk Simulation DFM, which it claims is the industry's first injection moulding simulation software to provide real time feedback.

The new CAD software plug-in is said to provide designers of plastic parts with a faster and easier way to determine the impact of design decisions on manufacturability, cost and sustainability concerns.
Based on Autodesk Labs technology, it seamlessly integrates with Autodesk Product Design Suite software and specifically Autodesk Inventor software to provide a complementary technology to Autodesk Simulation Moldflow software. The plug-in also works with Dassault, SolidWorks and PTC Creo software to support companies working in a multi-CAD environment.
"With Autodesk Simulation DFM, designers of plastic parts can more easily create designs that are viable from a manufacturing standpoint, while helping ensure low costs and sustainability," said Autodesk's Robert Kross. "Users do not need a simulation background to take advantage of Autodesk Simulation DFM - the software is highly intuitive and easily integrates into any design workflow."
According to Kross, the new platform provides real time feedback through specific and familiar design indicators, all while the design is still taking place. Green, yellow and red indicators identify potential manufacturing, cost and sustainability concerns as a designer is creating his or her vision.
When potential problems are found, the designer receives explicit, real world information about the source and location of the problem so it can be addressed as early as possible in the process.
Because the software works directly with the designer's CAD application, Autodesk says there is little need for additional training. The tool is also always on and doesn't require much user input. According to Kross, it updates continuously, providing manufacturing feedback as quickly as the user can create a design.