EngineeringUK launches new careers resource

To celebrate National Careers Week (6 to 11 March), EngineeringUK is launching a new careers resource designed to help entice young people into STEM careers.


From idea to career’ is a free, downloadable booklet for young people, teachers and careers advisors which showcases the breadth of rewarding careers available in engineering and technology. From aerospace and energy to manufacturing and software design, the resource is designed to educate and excite young people about careers in 12 engineering disciplines.

The resource has been produced by EngineeringUK’s Careers Working Group - a collaborative group of careers, education, outreach and marketing specialists drawn from across the engineering and STEM community. The group produces a variety of free and interactive careers resources which are available to download on Neon, a website bringing together the UK’s best engineering outreach opportunities and inspiring careers resources in one place.

Eleanor Eyre, Head of Careers at EngineeringUK, comments “There are so many exciting, rewarding and impactful careers that exist within engineering and technology, however young people often aren’t always aware that they exist. We’re delighted to have worked in partnership with the engineering community, including over 25 professional engineering institutions, to create a resource which showcases the breadth and scope of engineering-related careers.”

The updated booklet also has a strong focus on environmental sustainability throughout – an area which is of particular interest to many young people. It showcases how careers in the 12 areas link to the UK’s net zero targets around carbon emissions and highlights how sustainability is a priority for every industry.

Dr Elpida Makrygianni MBE, Head of Education Engagement for the Faculty of Engineering Sciences at University College London, comments “We hope that the resource gives young people a better understanding of what it is that engineers do and their significance to society in solving our global challenges. We want to inspire young people from a diverse range of backgrounds to want to make a difference through engineering.”  

Kathryn Denham-Maccioni, Digital Engagement Manager at the Institution of Civil Engineers, comments “‘From Ideas to Career’ is an indispensable resource for any young person considering engineering careers. I’m proud to have worked on this and I’m sure it will be treasured by careers advisors and leaders in schools and colleges across the UK.”

In recognition of the growing importance of engineering-related careers, National Careers Week will be holding a dedicated engineering-focused day on Thursday 9 March – which is being supported by EngineeringUK.