Professional status applications on rise as job market tightens

The Engineering Council UK (ECUK) has noticed a marked increase in the number of engineering professionals enquiring about registration for Chartered Engineer (CEng), Incorporated Engineer (IEng) and Engineering Technician (EngTech) status.

The organisation is taking steps to accommodate the surge that it says is the result of an increasingly competitive job market. It added that employing registered engineering professionals is a frequent requirement for winning projects both in the UK and internationally. ECUK chief executive Andrew Ramsay said: "In the long term, maintaining registered status ensures that engineers are continually kept up to date with new developments in their profession. It also means that they are governed by a professional code of conduct and receive reminders and assistance in determining their obligations under this code." Professional registration is open to any competent practising engineer, with different levels and pathways available. The three categories - EngTech, IEng and CEng - have been developed to provide a progressive registration structure, reflecting the recognition that lifelong learning and career development are the norm, and will remain so whatever the short-term economic situation may be. Applicants for any of the three levels need to join one of 36 professional engineering institutions licensed by ECUK to assess candidates. They will be required to demonstrate competence to perform professional work to the necessary standards, as well as show commitment to maintain their competence, work within professional codes and actively participate within the engineering profession.