UK centre will provide aspiring engineers with paid apprenticeships
A new UK training centre that will provide hundreds of aspiring engineers with paid apprenticeships has been unveiled at the University of Sheffield.

The AMRC Training Centre, which is due to be completed in Autumn 2013 with part-funding from a £9.2m Regional Growth Fund grant, was launched by Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg on Friday, with the aim of providing the next generation of world leading engineers.
The facility will be based in a new 5,500m<> building located at the Advanced Manufacturing Park in Catcliffe. It will provide paid apprenticeships to 250 students aged from 16 upwards, with opportunities for them to progress on to postgraduate courses.
"This is a fantastic opportunity to develop a world class hub that will deliver the right skills within the advanced manufacturing and engineering sectors," said AMRC training director Alison Bettac. "Employers demand high quality learning frameworks to help them compete globally. This is their opportunity to help build that provision, as the delivery through the training centre will be very much employer-led."
Professor Keith Burnett, vice chancellor of the University of Sheffield, added: "The manufacturing sector needs to be proactive to rebalance the economy. High levels of skills are what will make the difference when we compete on a global basis in technology and leadership.
"Together with colleagues from Rolls-Royce and Boeing, as well as with over 70 companies in the engineering supply chain, our partnership has shown that this region is a world-class hub for advanced manufacturing. We are not just creating knowledge and manufacturing breakthroughs. We are creating the skilled workers at all levels who will secure this for the future. This is the crucial next step in the wonderful work here at the AMRC and together as we make a step change in advanced manufacture."