Ultimate police vehicle has lots of muscle

A short distance from the display of the high efficiency, sustainable vehicles at this year’s SolidWorks World event in New Orleans was the GPV “Colonel” 8x8x8 police vehicle.

Powered by a Caterpillar C7 or C9 diesel engine, this monster is about as invulnerable as it is possible to make it, with armour plate, all round periscope vision, 4 thermal and 4 optical cameras, plus nuclear, chemical and biological protection and the ability to swim at up to 3 knots or proceed on land at up to 62 mph. According to manager of business development, Dale Romeo, as well as protecting policemen in hostage situations, when the sight of it is usually sufficient to convince the hostage takers to give up, “You can go in and assess a situation and rescue people quickly”, at little or no risk to those inside. The vehicles have apparently already proved themselves in several such situations, including Hurricane Rita and are at the same time, street legal and quite comfortable to drive. Sale price of the ‘Colonel’ is $500,000 to $800,000. The company also produces relatively conventional 4x4 armoured cars and an even more monstrous 10x10x10. More information from GPV General Purpose Vehicles