Sustaining Continuous Improvement - how Britain’s best factories do it

You told us it was your biggest challenge –motivating your people to overcome initiative-itis and enthusiastically embrace continuous improvement as a way of life. Here, in a morning, is how.

You told us it was your biggest challenge – how to motivate your people to overcome initiative-itis and enthusiastically embrace continuous improvement as a way of life. We thought the best way to help you meet that challenge was to introduce you to some manufacturers who have cracked it. This is the day of the gala lunch where the identities of 2007’s best British factories will be revealed. As a Manufacturing Leaders Club member you will, of course, be invited to the party. However, before that you’ll have the exclusive opportunity to spend the morning listening to some of the manufacturers waiting to take their place on the podium. And talk to them in a members’ forum about how they managed to overcome inertia, beat boredom and stop complacency setting in.