From Prototype to Production: How HP MultiJet Fusion Technology Improves Workflow for Product Development

Launching a product has never been as easy as it is now with HP 3d printing. With the versatility provided by the HP MultiJet Fusion, multiple iterations of a part can be printed together, saving both time and money.

Iteration Development
Development of a product or part could usually take weeks, months or even years to get from initial concept stage to the final production-ready design. This can involve extensive prototypes and tool design with added time, energy and money which would be better spent using the Multi-Jet Fusion technology and producing multiple iterations of a part at one time.

No more Wasted Time
It is usual to require multiple revisions of a part through the design refinement. The HP Multi-Jet Fusion cuts out a large chunk of the development process simply by allowing for several different iterations of a part to be printed at the same time. These can include pre-emptive designs and variations ready for testing. This saves countless hours of waiting for one design to be built and tested before being able to alter the design. Using the Multi-Jet Fusion, various alternate designs can be printed and further the design cycle within the time of one build, instead of the course of several builds.

Example in Action:
A specialist automotive company, working closely with IPF ltd, had a short time span and a complex interior part design which need proving before production. In an ideal world we will know exactly what the final product is going to look like, however, in this instance there were many variants that the routes which the product could have taken. With ideas brainstormed various iterations of the component were produced within the same build to save time in reviewing, comparing and testing. Utilizing the HP Multi-Jet Fusion system, IPF nested the customer’s parts together into a build and printed them simultaneously, saving them a lot of time in their run-up to production.