What is the future for electric motors in aerospace and space?

We are entering an exciting time in the aerospace and space arenas. Electric motors are going to play a key role in the future developments.

Road traffic is a global problem, not only environmentally but congestion as well. There are many areas where the future will remove vehicles from the roads. Firstly, we are starting to see drone delivery services, but moving forward the development of small, unmanned cargo aircraft making short trips between hubs. The Urban Air Mobility market is moving forward at speed, the eVTOL taxi is close to becoming something we will see in everyday life.

Human space exploration is again coming to the fore, with many plans for people returning to the moon and building a permanent base in preparation for sending humans to Mars. These are all areas where motors will play a key role as the technologies develop. In this webinar electrical motor application areas will be discussed.

• The future direction of the aerospace and space sectors
• The benefits of the progression
• The challenges that will be faced on these new platforms
• Typical applications for DC electric motors
• Future improvements in motor technology

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