Goodfellow launches educational advanced materials video series

Leading research materials supplier, Goodfellow, has launched a new educational resource for those interested in research materials in STEM applications, with a range of short-form explainer videos on advanced materials.

Leading research materials supplier, Goodfellow, has launched a new educational resource for those interested in research materials in STEM applications, with a range of short-form explainer videos on advanced materials.

The company’s ‘20 materials in 2020’ campaign sees the company publish the materials spotlight videos to YouTube twice monthly, detailing the structure, properties and applications of the 20 chosen materials, from Graphene and lead-free C-Solder to Platinum and Gold.

The first five videos are now available to view on YouTube, focusing on Tantalum, Barium Titanite, PLA, MACOR® and Graphene.

This latest resource follows the recent announcement of updates to Goodfellow’s educational app, Mr Material, an interactive game aimed at testing the user’s scientific knowledge on the periodic table and all 118 elements.

Joel Aleixo, Global Marketing Manager at Goodfellow, commented: “The videos are there to help people understand the basic structure and uses of a wide range of materials. They’re another great educational resource with a lot of potential uses. Researchers can learn something new about a material they’ve never worked with before, while students get the chance to see a concise and factual explanation of the application and usage of materials that are widely used within the scientific community.

“This campaign, along with the Mr Material app, is there to help anybody in the community, whether you’re a student, researcher, teacher or just have a general interest in science.”