Re-inventing the Wheel? Oxford TRIZ solves the problem with efficient innovation.

Efficient innovation and effective problem solving means finding clever new applications for existing technology: TRIZ offers systematic routes to the relevant knowledge to help you find inventive solutions to your most difficult problems.

"...I don't want to invent the wheel - I want to reinvent a better wheel" New Technology Manager & TRIZ Practitioner

In an increasingly competitive business environment, innovation is fundamental to engineering success and there is a growing need for companies to make low-risk, highly effective changes to their products and systems. TRIZ is a proven process for solving problems, generating new ideas and developing systems more quickly, cheaply and inventively than traditional methods. The TRIZ thinking tools are a rigorous and systematic approach for understanding and solving any problem; its principal tools enable you to uncover the most effective route to practical solutions, as well as the development of your next generation of products. TRIZ will help you: - Identify simple, cost-effective, low-risk solutions - Solve problems faster - save time and energy - Improve Efficiency - Develop next-generation systems The TRIZ Toolkit helps designers, engineers and scientists to go beyond their own knowledge and experience to access the world's solutions. Oxford Creativity has developed systematic TRIZ processes for delivering sustainable innovation: we have been facilitating innovation sessions and teaching TRIZ to technical teams for 14 years. Companies are increasingly recognising and acting upon the need to encourage successful, practical and systematic innovation at every stage of the process, particularly product development and design. TRIZ enables greater clarity of thought and taps into the creativity innate in all of, transforming random, ineffective brainstorming into targeted, audited, creative sessions focussed on the problem at hand and unlocking the designers' knowledge and genius to identify all relevant solutions. What is TRIZ? Visit Find out about our free webinars at Learn TRIZ: workshop information here Contact us for more information: 01993882461