Cooling expertise is good for export

Poulten Selfe and Lee, a specialist in oil and polymer testing equipment, recently turned to technotrans to supply a bespoke chilling solution. The system uses the low voltage Aspen compressor which is married to an ambient temperature test system that is now reaching pre-production batch testing.

Stephen Gosling, managing director at Poulten Selfe and Lee, said: “The low voltage Aspen allows us to sell the same system anywhere in the world, irrespective of whether that country works on 240v or 110v systems.”

Technotrans has developing an increasing number of bespoke cooling solutions across a range of industries including medical, security, transport and much more.

“Having this level of chiller expertise to help us on an OEM basis frees us up to focus on the core development of the viscosity measurement devices for the oil and polymer sectors,” Gosling continued. “We field orders from South America one day, the next from China so we need to be able to deliver workable solutions around the world.”

The companies are now working on a low temperature test system together and Poulten Selfe and Lee is looking to adopt technotrans’ standard chiller. Working with technotrans has also been beneficial to Poulten Selfe and Lee because, according to Gosling, technotrans is not a potential rival in its sector unlike some of the suppliers it has had to use in the past.