EU launches world’s largest robotics initiative

The European Commission has launched the world's largest civilian research and innovation programme in robotics.

Covering manufacturing, transport, agriculture, health and civil security, the €2.8billion SPARC initiative is expected to create more than 240,000 new jobs in Europe and increase the region's share of the global market to 42%. Neelie Kroes, vice president of the EC, said: "Europe needs to be a producer and not merely a consumer of robots. Robots do much more than replace humans. Integrating robots into European industry will help us create and keep jobs in Europe." So far, 180 companies and research institutions have signed up to the programme. By 2020, SPARC is expected to create 75,000 newly qualified jobs at European manufacturers of industrial and service robots; 30,000 additional new high-tech jobs in European companies supplying components and software for robots; and more than 140,000 new jobs in European service industries. The next funding call will be published in 2014 with an April 2015 deadline.