IET awards scholarships to ‘outstanding’ young engineers

Engineering students from across the UK have been honoured with scholarships from the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET).

Bursaries worth up to £12,000 were granted as part of the organisation's Awards and Scholarships programme, which provides £200,000 each year to support young people in their engineering and technology studies. Among the 18 recipients were James Sinclair Popper and Simon Schofield, who were both awarded £12,000 (£4,000 per year for four years) to fund their MEng Engineering degrees at the University of Cambridge. Matthew Douthwaite and Leonardo Impett were also awarded £4,000 each (£1,000 per year for four courses) to fund their MEng Electrical and Electronic Engineering and MEng Engineering degrees at Imperial College London and the University of Cambridge. IET Awards and Prizes manager, Linda Deleay, said: "These scholarships are awarded only to the most outstanding candidates and to be in receipt of one of these awards is a particular accolade. "I would like to congratulate each recipient for the contribution they have made, and will make, to improve the lives of those around us and the world in which we live." Recipients will formally receive their awards and scholarships at the IET Ambition and Achievement Awards ceremony in central London on Wednesday 9 November.