Stars shine in Grand Challenge

The overall winner of the R J Mitchell Trophy in the MOD’s Grand Challenge to find a way of locating threats to troops fighting in an urban environment was Team Stellar

, but Team MIRA’s Mace 1 Unmanned Guided Vehicle based entry mentioned in the August edition of Eureka received an additional commendation for its “Autonomy”. Team Stellar comprised: Stellar Research Services, Blue Bear Systems Research, Selex Sensors and Airborne Systems, Cranfield University’s Department of Aerospace, Power and Sensors, and Applied Mathematics and Computing Group, Marshall SV Systems Design Group, and TRW Conekt. It was led by Dr Julia Richardson of Stellar Research Services. Their entry was called SATURN, standing for Sensing & Autonomous Tactical Urban Reconnaissance Network. It incorporated both land and air based autonomous vehicles. Other commendations went to Team Cortex – the judges merit award; Team Swarm - most innovative idea, and Team Thales – imaginative use of national talent. For more information: