Successful test flight for Taranis combat drone

Taranis – an unmanned combat vehicle claimed to be the most advanced aircraft ever built in Britain – has passed its first ever test flights.

First unveiled by BAE Systems in 2010, the demonstrator was successfully flown at an unnamed location in August last year, the UK Ministry of Defence (MoD) has revealed. Test pilot Bob Fraser carried out an unspecified number of flights that each lasted up to an hour, at a variety of speeds and altitudes. On its first 15 minute flight, BAE says Taranis achieved a perfect take-off, rotation, climb-out and landing. The top secret aircraft was developed in collaboration with the MoD and UK industry at a cost of £185million. Eventually, it is supposed to fly faster than the speed of sound. Nigel Whitehead, group managing director for BAE, said: "The first flight of Taranis represents a major landmark for UK aviation. "The demonstrator is the most advanced air system ever conceived, designed and built in the UK. It truly represents an evolution of everything that has come before it."