Speeding Up Time To Market and Reducing Product Development Costs with Ansys Discovery

Ansys Discovery helps speed up the product development process by providing Design Engineers with real time FEA, CFD, Thermal Analysis and Topology Optimisation. Design Engineers drive their geometry based on real-time feedback allowing them to quickly validate and explore design concepts through GPU based simulation where meshing is done automatically.

This allows the user to validate early, reducing the chance of costly rework later in the product development process. As the user amends geometry, the simulation results are updated live on the screen allowing them to iterate the design multiple times and move from over engineering to innovation.

Designers can immediately look at factor of safety, stress, temperature, velocity and much more to quickly test the validity of their designs. Once the concept has been established, optimisation is available to look at weight saving whilst adhering to manufacturing constraints. Built in tools help engineers prepare models for 3D Printing with the ability to work with faceted data and combine CAD data with Faceted data to simplify and speed up Reverse Engineering.

As the concept matures, users can seamlessly switch to CPU based solvers where full mesh controls are available, and the model and physics can be transferred to other Ansys products such as Ansys Mechanical and Fluent. Powerful modelling tools are available to rapidly de-feature and simplify models to speed up pre-processing.

The product is the first to combine GPU and CPU based simulation to strike the right balance between speed and accuracy, considering where you are at in the development process and catering for all different skill levels. Providing one environment for Designers and CAE Engineers helps to improve collaboration and deliver better outcomes for clients.

For more information, and to download a trial head to www.origin-eng.co.uk/free-trial