BEEAs finalist Matthew Luethi blogs his subsequent progress with his silent vertical axis wind turbines

Today, I had some good news for my turbine and my project. Encraft did the most extensive trials of Wind Turbines on Houses here in the UK on behalf of the Carbon Trust. 26 Wind turbines were installed on roofs in Warwick.

Only turbines ready for market and selling in respectable numbers were allowed to participate. We tried to have one just fitted, but were turned down. All of the turbines had a breakdown or needed repairs in this one year. Our prototype has had none of these in 3 1/2 years. All turbines were horizontal axis wind turbines (propeller type). The report was so bad, B&Q withdrew their Windsave after the finding were published and the firm went out of business on September 4th 2009. Now as a further development and result, Warwick City Council has banned all horizontal axis wind turbines, because of the noise and disturbances. This is good news for Silent Wind Turbines.