MotivePro vibrating suit helps athletes perfect their technique

Researchers at Birmingham City University have developed an innovative vibrating suit to help give UK athletes a competitive edge in training.

MotivePro is designed to give wearers feedback about where their body is in space. It does this by focusing on key points in the body, taking relative measurements between them to check the user's position. This data, said to be much simpler to acquire and treat in real time than more complex motion capture systems, is then used to give the wearer feedback in real time about their movement. The sensors include a vibrating motor which can be set to vibrate to indicate when someone moves outside a desirable range. This data can also be transformed into sound or visual files to give feedback in real time, enabling wearers to adjust their movements in performance. "The system can also record the movements as well, to use after the event," explained MotivePro's inventor Professor Gregory Sporton. "This means that archives can be built up showing relative performance over time, any long term trajectories identified and the use of the data to make averages amongst particular user groups."