LCR 4.0 case study: Valuechain

Software company Valuechain has been working with part ERDF funded business support programme, LCR 4.0 to improve its ground-breaking ‘DNA 4.0 smartfactoryvr’.

The company provides smart manufacturing software to digitalise factories and intelligently connect supply chains. It has created a virtual reality (VR) smart factory environment to give users an immersive experience of a smart factory and demonstrate the impact the latest digital manufacturing technologies can have on business.

Users can wear a headset to follow the journey from sales, engineering, purchasing and raw materials, through to production, inspection, finished goods stores and customer delivery. Embedded with the latest digital manufacturing software throughout the factory, users experience how software can make running their factory more efficient and productive.

LCR 4.0 – which helps manufacturers in Liverpool City Region assess the challenges and opportunities of Industry 4.0 – enabled Valuechain to work closely with its delivery partners the Virtual Engineering Centre (VEC) and the Science Technology Facilities Council (STFC) Hartree Centre. The collaboration enabled Valuechain to access the tools and expertise to improve the functionality of the smart factory and increase its customer base. The company has grown from seven people to 85 people in the past two years alone.